Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Module 6: Blog Comments

1. http://cybergogue.blogspot.com/2010/11/cmd-video.html

2.  http://aimee-educ7102.blogspot.com/

3.  http://bobstreff.blogspot.com/

4.  http://middletonprinciplesdistanceeducation.blogspot.com/2010/11/module-6-revised-video.html

5.  http://jamiwashington.blogspot.com/

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Module 5 Blog Comments

1.  EDUTechSpecial

2.  PrinciplesofDistanceEducation

Module 5: Concept Map: Static versus Dynamic Technologies

I think we need to first start with the definition of what is meat by static technology and dynamic technology.  When we talk about static technology, we are addressing the the concept of NON-CHANGING.  When we talk about dynamic technology, we are addressing the concept of CHANGE.

Lets start by addressing some issues in the static concept map.  If we have content that is article or text form and it is printed into a text book and something changes about that particular topic--there is no way to truly update the printed material until the time comes for the article or text to be edited and reprinted.  With the dynamic concept of content we could give our students a simulation activity, which I do each semester, that contains real life issues and problems and they would be able to walk away with a better understanding of the same topic that was being taught with static technology.

In my opinion there needs to be more dynamic technology but I don't think society is ready, nor do we need to "write-off" static technology.  There should be a good medium ground that both forms of technology can meet.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Module 4: Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools

In a distance education learning environment, teaching and learning has evolved to a point where both parties involved have a sense of satisfaction as far as what was taught and learned within the course.  Before now, both the teacher and student felt more comfortable with face-to-face learning and felt there was more being gained from this type of environment.  According to Durrington, Berryhill, &Swafford (2006), the importance of providing a learning environment that is supportive, open and respectful though the use of clear and detailed syllabus, responding to student inquiries in a timely manner and communicating explicitly the tone of responses, will help ensure a successful distance education course.  Siemens' (2007), mentioned the importance of social presence, teacher presence and collaborative presence in distance education.  These are equally important in ensuring a successful distance education class for all parties involved. 

With the abundance of technological tools that are available in today's time, there is no reason the online learning community can't have a sense of "belonging" when it comes to distance education.  By referring to the graphic organizer, you will see there are a number of tools available to make the teacher and learner feel like they are part of the learning community.

Durrington, V.A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006).  Strategies For Enhancing Student Interactivity In An Online Environment.  College Teaching, 54(1), 190-193.

Siemens, G. (2007) "George Siemens-Curatorial Teaching." Retrieved October 18, 2010 from http://www.archive.org/details/10MinuteLectures-GeorgeSiemens-CuratorialTeaching.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Module 3 Blog Comments

1.  Principles of Distance Education

2.  JShives11